The infusion made from hibiscus flowers is known by many names in many countries around the world and is served both hot and cold. The beverage is well known for its color, tanginess and flavor.
This blend is based on a traditional beverage enjoyed by Jamacian's during the Christmas season. Warm spices and bright citrus notes enhance the tangy bright red liquor of this blend. Enjoy hot or iced (with or without a splash of rum).
Blended Black Tea, Hibiscus flower, Organic ginger root, Organic cinnamon, Organic cardamom, Organic clove, and Organic black pepper, Candied orange peel, Candied lemon peal.
Origin:Sri Lanka: Cloves and black tea, India: Malabar Pepper, Guatemala: Cardamom, Indonesia: Cinnamon, China: Ginger, Hibiscus: Egypt, Lemon and Orange peel: US
Jamaican Hibiscus Spice
1 tsp per 8 oz. spring water (212 degrees F)
Steep 5 - 7 minutes
Tisanes will generally steep one time and will be too weak to resteap. However, the high quality of these teas provide crisp, clear flavors due to the full leaf or large pieces of root/fruit.
Changing the volume of dried leaves, the temprature of the water and the length of the steep time will alter the taste of any tea or tisane. If your first tasting is unpleasant, perhaps alter one of these and try again. If you try various steeping methods and still do not like the flavor, that is perfectly okay. Another blend or flavor may be more to your taste.