An exquisite Earl Grey character mellowed with soft hints of cream. If you are fan of Earl Grey and have not tried tried this, you are in for a treat. Cream Earl Grey has a taste that is smooth with vanilla overtones, which stand out above the premium bergamot flavor - the signature taste of Earl Grey.
Blend of black teas (Orange Pekoe), cornflower petals, and natural flavors
Sri Lanka (Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula, Uva)
Earl Grey - Cream
1 tsp. dry leaves per 8 oz. (boiling) 212°F water
Steep 4-5 minutes
Changing the volume of dried leaves, the temprature of the water and the length of the steep time will alter the taste of any tea or tisane. If your first tasting is unpleasant, perhaps alter one of these and try again. If you try various steeping methods and still do not like the flavor, that is perfectly okay. Another blend or flavor may be more to your taste.